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Border Modifiers

Elevate supports the following modifiers for the border (abbreviated as bd) property:

ModifierExpected ValuesExample
WidthSpacingToken (e.g., d3)bd:w-d4
Stylesolid, dashed, dotted, double, groove, ridge, inset, outsetbd:dashed
RadiusSpacingToken (e.g., d3)bd:r-d4
ColorColortoken (e.g., purple-light)bd:purple-light

Elevate also supports single directional properties for border such as:

Single Directional PropertiesExpected ValuesExample
bd-tSee Modifiers Abovebd-t:w-d4:purple-light
bd-bSee Modifiers Abovebd-b:r-d2:w-d2:dashed
bd-lSee Modifiers Abovebd-l:w-d2:solid
bd-rSee Modifiers Abovebd-r:w-d6:solid:indigo