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Addressing Specificity Issues

Elevate CSS allows you to write more concise and semantic utility classes by using property and modifier combinations. However, in certain cases, this can come at a cost to the specificity of your CSS, leading to potential issues with cascading and overriding classes.

To address this, Elevate provides a specific property which allows you to isolate a given class list and thus quickly correct or outright avoid any potential issues of specificity.

The scope Property

PropertyExpected ValuesExample
scopePassThroughToken (e.g., someUniqueString )scope:someUniqueString

While the modifier is a PassThroughToken and you can use whatever you like, Elevate recommends using a unique string that is specific to the class list you are targeting and preferably referential to the component or subcomponent the class list is responsible for.

<div class="scope:firstColumn col-spans:from-1:to-2 row:x-center:y-center bg-color:green+1 /lg/ pd-y:d8 col-spans:from-1:to-3"></div>

This helps to ensure that your CSS is as specific as possible, reducing the risk of conflicts with other classes.