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Text Elements

Text Property Modifiers

The following table describes the supported tokens and rules for the text property, along with the expected options and their output CSS.

ModifierExpected ValuesExample
colorColortoken (e.g., purple-light)text:purple-light
line-heighthug, tight, snug, normal, relaxed, loose,spacious,extra-spacioustext:spacious
letter-spacingextra-tight, tight, normal, wide, wider, widesttext:widest
text-alignleft, center, right, justifytext:left
max-widthextra-narrow,narrow, medium, wide, extra-widetext:wide
text-transformuppercase, lowercase, capitalizetext:uppercase

Font Property Modifiers

The following table describes the supported tokens and rules for the font property, along with the expected options and their output CSS.

ModifierExpected ValuesExample
font-sizetiny, small, base, heading6, heading5, heading4, heading3, heading2, heading2, heading1, eyebrow,font:small
font-familysans, serif, monofont:sans
font-weightthin,extraLight,light, regular, medium, semibold, bold,extraBold,blackfont:bold